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Coldamber | Windclan | cis female | Medicine Cat | 27 moons

past/other names- Wraith (as a kittypet, as a loner)

past ranks- kittypet, loner, queen

bloodline- 100% kittypet

voice refrence- Andee Frizzel

sexual orientation- lesbian

Advocator | 82% introverted; 56% intuitive; 58% feeling 81% judging; 54% turbulent


loyal, protective, fierce, stubborn, emotionally oblivious

  • pure bred nebelung

  • gullpaw is the only of her children she got a chance to raise that survived

  • she has had 4 litters total, her first being entirely stillborn

name breakdown

Cold- for her pale fur; one of the other queens had the prefix and she thought it sounded nice

-amber- the colour of her eyes

".... so excuse me forgetting, but these things i do; see i've forgotten if they're green or they're blue

anyway the thing is, what i really mean, yours are the sweetest eyes i've ever seen...."


daughters- Starr, Whiskey, Lyly, Nana, Skink

Puffinkit (deceased)

Gullpaw (@Zesty Mango)

sons- Tango, Snowshoe, Butterball

Brushkit (stillborn)

Wavekit (stillborn)

Fizzletwist (deceased)

Mentor- Twilightstar (unofficially; @Moonraven)

Coyotesnarl (@wren)

Apprentice- Snailswirl?? (@elysian)

((+ Twilightstar, Coyotesnarl, Stagpaw, Gullpaw, Fizzletwist | = Gentlemoo, Snailswirl | - Featherwhisker, Rosebriar))


Twilightstar, Moon Raven

thankful towards, enjoys time they spent together, has very strong feelings for

Stagpaw, Arie

absolutely loves him, enjoys his company, worried about some of his antics


misses, regrets that she had to ask Coyotesnarl to end his suffering

Snailswirl, elysian

polite, looks foward to working with

pale she-cat with black speckles, amber eyes, and a nub for a left foot

fur colour- pale grey with black speckling along her back and on her face

fur texture- fluffy, sorta soft

eye colour- dark orange/amber

body type- slightly tilted stance to make up for her missing foot, long bodied, mom bod

(to her slight annoyance)

scars/deformities- missing ear, missing left hind foot

diseases/ conditions- depression, PTSD, mild psychotic disoerder

"....i hope you don't mind, i hope you don't mind

that i put down in words how wonderful life is now that you're in the world.....'

Your Song, Ellie Goulding

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